environmental blog based in Lakewood, Ohio

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Planned Parenthood

The House passed a bill to remove all federal funding from Planned Parenthood an other family planning clinics... here's the link to the article, everyone should read it:
 For everyone who doesn't know... Planned Parenthood does a lot more than just abortions, which the House is mainly basing their argument off of.  If you want to take action because you hate this idea as much as I do, follow this link.

 For those of you in my class who don't understand how this would relate to a blog about sustainability, family planning is an essential part of sustainability that is most often times overlooked. The population is way over earth's carrying capacity and continues to grow due to lack of family planning. The availability of services that are offered at Planned Parenthood are ESSENTIAL to low-income families. Planned Parenthood is also a good resource for teens and young adults who are still on their parents' insurance... they can have access to STD testing/birth control/other sexual health services with complete confidentiality.

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