environmental blog based in Lakewood, Ohio

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Federalist Post: Joining the wave will keep the lights on!

The Federalist Post: Joining the wave will keep the lights on!: "{sorce link http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/environment/article5167812.ece} Fossil fuels and nuclear power are efficient forms of sup..."

This post relates to my blog as well! tidal is an alternative energy source. A few problems I see has to do with the rise of "natural disasters," such as hurricanes and tsunamis. Carbon has a delay of entering the atmosphere - that is, right now we are experiencing carbon emissions from the past. So, even if we completely stop emitting right now, we will still see a rise in overall global temperatures for a little while. So, I see disasters such as tsunamis and hurricanes potentially causing a problem with tidal energy, unless these devices are built to withstand such weather.

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